Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fireworks, TV stations, weird plays, and decision time

About a month ago I went with some fellow teachers to Seoul for the day. I ate a lot of food, went to some high fashion stores. No really, I did. I couldn't afford to buy anything but it was fun to look. Well the real highlight of the day was going to see the fireworks. Apparently all of Seoul wanted to watch the fireworks as well. I kid not, when I say there were a million people there. It took us nearly half an hour to get out of our subway car up to street level. See video below. I've always read articles about people being trampled to death and wondered how stuff like that happens, but as I was pushed along by the sea of Korean people I began to see how it's possible.

Although I couldn't really afford to buy any of the high fashion articles of clothing I'd seen throughout my day in Seoul, I did get the opportunity to snatch up this delightful t-shirt. One of the individuals I was with noted it was something I easily could have gotten at a truck stop, but I feel it is an authentic Korean shirt.

A few weeks ago my preschool class (that I teach) went to Seoul for a field trip. We watched a play in an underground theatre. It was silly and I think the kids liked it. It was a version of the tortoise and the hare with a more Korean flare to it. It's hard to explain so here's a little video of it.

I may or may not have mentioned this but my school is surrounded by rice fields. Over the duration of my stay here I've watched the fields go from barren in winter, to planted in spring, to lush in late summer, and now I've seen the rice harvested. Here are some recent pictures of the fields.

Now I come to the final part of my post. I have less than a week to decide if I will renew my contract and work another year here in Korea. At this point in time I honestly don't know what I'm going to do and I need wisdom. Please keep me in your prayers this week. My desire is that God's will be done and not my own.