Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

Last night I spent my first new year's eve outside the US.  I live in a small town and there wasn't much going on.  Our school has a church at it that meets on Sunday.  I know the people at the church but we never have service together (they go to Korean, I go to the English service, and during Korean service I watch their kids.)

So anyways I hear they were having a midnight service and my roommate and I decided to attend. We were hoping to slip into the back unnoticed but of course everyone saw us.  On the fly they even provided an English interpreter for the service.  We felt a little guilty because we didn't want to cause any problems, but in typical Korean fashion the people bent over backwards to accommodate us.  

The message was good.  Pastor In talked about forgiveness and letting go of things for the new year, having a positive attitude, and holding on to the promises of God.  After he preached Pastor In prayed for every family in the church and ever member of every family.  It was great.

The service wrapped up around 1:30 and we went home around 2am.  It was good to fellowship with believers here in Korea.  Their fervency in prayer is inspiring, and despite the language barrier it's always a powerful time when worshipping with other believers.