Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where's the Beef?

As some of you may or may not know there has been some political unrest here in Korea lately, and what would be the cause of this unrest........................................... US beef. Yes, US beef. Korea has agreed to start importing US beef again after a 5 year hiatus. The US beef promises to be half the price of what is currently offered in the grocery stores (food is expensive here.)

Yet there is tremendous public outcry concerning mad cow. There are constant protests, people setting themselves on fire, and a whole lot of misinformation out there. Basically, with the exception of a few people I've met, all of Korea thinks that American cows have mad cow disease. The interesting thing is that no one really knows what happens if you eat meat from an infected cow. A lot of the government cabinet has resigned and some are calling for the resignation of the President of Korea. This is insane.

The most ironic thing about this to me is that avian bird flu is already in Korea. We couldn't go to the zoo because of it. They do know what happens to people who get infected with this yet vendors sell eggs on the side of the road, and chicken restaurants are everywhere.

What it really comes down to for me is that I want to be able to buy some beef. I'm hungry and I like beef, I just don't like paying through the nose for it.

This has been me ranting. If you want to look at photos and videos of the protests go to

I'm out

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