Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Place



Here are the pictures for the new apartment that I live in. It's a nice place. Much nicer than any that I've paid to live in in the states.

Everyday I stay busy. Between my preschool duties and my afternoon classes I stay busy from 8 to 6. It's good for me.

I've taught more in the last few weeks than perhaps my whole life. In the afternoons I teach kids ranging from 8 to 12 years old. I teach for two hours with them. I've found that when working with grade school and elementary kids I can tend to be a little bit of a tough teacher. I have fun but I don't put up with much junk from the kids. It's funny because I find myself doing very teacherly thing. For example today I made one of the older boys stay a few minutes after class so we could discuss his behavior. It has started to feel natural for me to teach. I'm far from accomplished but I enjoy it and learn a little bit more everyday.

On the preschool side of my job everyday is fun for me. I'm working with 12 kids and 7 of them are new to the preschool this week. Everyday get to play with and engage them in new ways. Its fun work.

Today it snowed a bit and I got the chance to have a snowball fight with the kids during lunch break, which I probably won't ever do again. The odds get a little sketchy when its twenty kids to one. Not to mention there was about half an inch of snow on the ground. After about ten minutes of intense snow ball warfare there was basically only mud and mush to throw, which didn't stop the snow balls from being launched at me.

This last picture is a funny one. This little boy attends the Korean speaking kindergarten that is downstairs from the one I work in. This week was his first and he spent two days running throughout the building to avoid his class. The teacher seemed to allow him to get away with it. Yesterday, his second day of running, he wandered up to my classroom late in the day. There was no one else there and I was just hanging out. He grabbed a puzzle starting working on it, and after about 5 minutes ended up like this. It was picture worthy.

Thanks to all for your continued prayers and support. All of your comments and e-mails are greatly appreciated.


chris and monica said...

It kinda looks like you teach at an all girls school (minus the boy sleeping on the floor). You have a pink shopping cart, pink shelves, etc.

Dan A. said...


The place looks sweet, it's a little better than the Corvalla Apts huh? The beavs have one last shot, i don't think it's gonna happen. Oh and your classroom does look kinda girly...