Friday, February 22, 2008

Life is going well

I've been here now for about 10 days and am getting settled. My days look something like this.
  • I leave my apartment at 8:15am
  • Have devotions until 9:00am
  • Prep for afternoon classes until 9:45am
  • Help in the preschool until 12:15pm
  • Lunch duty until 1:00pm
  • back to preschool stuff 2:00pm
  • Get ready for phonics class and mess around on the internet until 2:45pm
  • Teach phonics until 3:35pm
  • Teach first leadership from 4:00-4:45pm
  • Teach second leadership from 5:00-5:50pm
  • Go home to eat, sleep, type, prepare

On Tuesday's a local military base does artillery fire across the hill and the whole building shakes when mortars go off. On Thursday nights all of the teachers go out for pizza.

I am especially learning to adjust in how the school works. The preschoolers seem to run the show in the class and I'm really trying to help with class discipline. I've taken on kind of a support role in the preschool. A new school year starts in March and then I'll really have a lot more control of the preschool. I'm hoping to help implement.

Also break duty isn't really an assigned job for me, it's just that there is no one outside with the kids and it kind of drives me crazy. I'm sure someone would go out there if I didn't, but its kind of fun.

Here is a video of the preschoolers I work with. They are pretty cute in this video but the video is a little deceptive. In reality they don't listen to much of what I say. They are kind of testing me a lot so I've been having to lay down the smack.

Also worth noting is that I will be moving into a new apartment. I very nice place that I will be sharing with a fellow teacher. The man who is in one one of my previous pictures giving me bunny ears. It should be a fun transition.

Thanks for your continued prayer support.

1 comment:

Irene Pilgrim said...

The kids in the video are so Cute! Thanks for taking time to share in your blog. It's fun to see what you're doing. We're praying for you.

Jude verse 2