Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Precipice of Adventure

Here I sit just two days before leaving for Korea. I'm both excited and nervous. Excited for the adventure and challenges that await me. Excited for the people I'll meet and the opportunities I'll have. Excited to be in such a spot that I will have to rely fully on God everyday.

Yet at the same time there is a level of nervousness that accompanies my excitement. I will be leaving the familiar people and places that I love. I will be stepping into a situation full of unknown and I will no doubt be stretched whether I want to be or not.

I don't know what exactly I'll be doing, I don't know what life will be like, I don't know what the rest of my life holds, but I know God's in control and I'm good with that.

1 comment:

Aslan's Adventures in Haiti said...

I'm praying for your safe travel today. :) I just started a blog too at